Sunday, June 27, 2010

Giveaway/Contest on our facebook page

New contest/Giveaway! on our face book page. Will run until July 17th, winner will be announced July 18th and will receive: a Petunia Pickle Bottom Sunset Dragon Roll Touring Tote Diaper
Bag - and inside the bag will be 1
Applecheeks Diaper cover (you pick size and colour), 1 Applecheeks
Bamboo insert and 6 Bamboo Applecheeks reuseable wipes (T...otal Prize Value = $200). We will ship to anywhere in North
America. Here's how to enter: Post a photo of soemone that you know onto this page. THe photo must include a product that we sell at the store, and you must also include a description of what is in the photo. Hint for out-of-towners: you don't need to have purchased it at 3 Little Monkeys, it just needs to be a
product that we sell. Winner will be chosen based on which photo has the most "likes" when the contest closes.

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